6 signs that you should replace your front door

How exactly are you meant to know when to replace your front door? Most of us don’t even thing about our front doors whilst they are working properly and nowadays many people don’t even use their front door that much, preferring to gain access to their homes through a garage or side door instead.

However, it is important to recognise when it is indeed time to make the change as an older style door or one that has a fault can seriously harm your home’s weatherproofing and energy efficiency.

You would be amazed, and possibly dismayed, to learn just how much of an impact your front door can actually have in determining your home’s ability to keep warm air in and cold air out during the winter months, not to mention protecting your home against burglars and other external threats.

If you have decided that the time has come to invest in a stunning new front door, get in touch with Advanced today and we will walk you through all of the incredible window and door products that we have on offer.

If you aren’t sure, you are in the right place. Here are 6 of the biggest signs that it’s time to replace your old door with a stylish new one:

Opening and closing the door takes effort

door mechanism repair

Operating your door should be a smooth, resistance free process and the moment that you find your door to be sticking or difficult to open or close, you need to take action. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you need  new door, sometimes a bit of oil or grease will be all you need to have your door working perfectly once again, but it could be a sign of something more serious.

A door that is jamming because the hinges have began to sink, for example, may well need to be replaced, and is something that normally only happens after quite a few years.

Your door has begun to rust

Rust is a clear indication that the elements have begun to take a toll on the structure of your door. Over time, this is only going to get worst and will eventually result in leaking and a dramatic drop in energy efficiency, not to mention looking awful.

If you have a uPVC, wooden, or composite door, this rust is only going to appear on the hinges or handle of the door, or on other metal components, but if you have a metal door, such as the cheap DIY doors available at some hardware stores, the whole door could potentially rust away. It is not recommended that you choose one of these low quality doors in the first place, and the best thing to do is to have it replaced as soon as you can.


If you have a glazed glass panel fitted in your door and condensation appears on the inside pane, there is clearly an issue with the glazing, whether a leak or simply a lack of effective thermal efficiency.

Either way, condensation causes a range of issues including mould growth as well as indicating that your energy efficiency has been compromised.


Your front door puts up with a lot, from constant weather beating to slamming and bumping over the years. Eventually this can lead to warping or the door being moved out of position. This may be fixable through readjustment, but if not the only option is to have it fully replaced.

New front doors supplied and fitted Glasgow will fit perfectly into the frame and operate smoothly, allowing you to gain access and close your door without any issues whatsoever.

You can feel a draft

Just because you can’t physically spot a leak or gap in your door/frame does not mean that it isn’t there.

If you can feel a breeze coming from the door or find that the room around the door is particularly hard to keep warm, your door may well be faulty.

Your door is out of fashion

You may well find that you want to replace your door simply to update the appearance of your property. Your front door says a lot about your home and a new one can completely refresh your home’s curb appeal.