Should I Buy A Massage Chair?

Is it worthwhile to invest in a massage chair? If you ask anyone who owns and regularly uses a massage chair, the answer is almost certainly “yes.” Having your own massage chair has numerous advantages.

Investing In Your Health
A massage chair is an investment in your physical and mental well-being. Regular massages can help relieve stress and tension, which can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Some people struggle to find the motivation to drive to work every day, but we do it because we know it allows us to create something meaningful, engage in personal development, and provide for our families. Words like “investment” can conjure up images of a business meeting, but an investment in our health can mean avoiding a hospital room and instead enjoying the outdoors. And a better, longer, more fulfilling life does not come cheap.

More Affordable Than Massage Therapy
How much is a massage chair really worth? Aside from the investment in your health, a massage chair can provide long-term savings that make it well worth the cost. Aside from the inconvenience, the cost of a 1-hour massage ranges between $100 and $175, with a 20% tip bringing the total to $210. Let’s be generous and say your injury necessitates weekly massages for two months. Your total cost for that massage therapy session is then $1,680. That’s almost the same cost as owning an Ergotec Neptune massage chair in perpetuity. Is it worthwhile to invest in a massage chair? Yes, when you consider the costs of purchasing a massage.

Available Around The Clock
When you buy a massage chair, you own it for life and can use it whenever you want – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Even if you work until late at night, you can still come home and relax with a massage after a long and stressful day. When you own a massage chair, you don’t have to worry about scheduling appointments or planning your day around the therapist’s schedule. has more information on massage chairs under $2000.